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Textile artist
Textile artist

52 week challenge 

Do you find that you love to make art
but don't have time to make large projects?
Do you want to practice new skills or
refine skills you already have? 
This challenge is for you!!

Goal: To make 52 art pieces in one year


Equipment needed

  • One packet of playing cards.  You choose the size mini, normal or jumbo.

If possible use or repurpose items you have at home

  • Scraps of fabric, card or paper.

  • Glue, double sided cello tape.

  • Hand and machine thread.

  • A box to put your finished cards in.

  • A variety of art supplies you like to use or want to experiment with  I.E. paints, coloured pencils, pens.

  • Printing supplies: stamps, stencils, cotton reels, corks.

  • Sewing machine if applicable.

  • Needles

  • Scissors

  • Notions such as beads, ribbon, lace buttons etc

  • Paint brushes

N.B. As this challenge progresses you may find you need additional materials.


To start


Write some goals to give you direction over the next 52 weeks.  Here are some ideas to get you started

  • To experiment with new mediums

  • To improve my machine quilting

  • To experiment with printing

  • To make series of work based on one idea

  • To try new construction techniques

  • To manipulate fabric in more ways

  • To learn how to appliqué

  • To make art work every week


    2. Write a list of ideas of what you would like to do each week/month/quarter


For example your main goal could be, experiment with new mediums. 

  • Week 1-4 :Textile ink

  • Week 5-8 :Intense pencils

  • Week 9-12: Crayons

  • Week 13-16: Acrylic paint

  • Week 17-20: Water soluble pastels

  • Week 21-24: Resists  etc.


    3. Collect all your basic equipment together in one place for easy access.   


  1. Cut out 2 pieces of fabric1.3 cm wider and longer than the playing card.  One piece will be the fabric you will be working with, the other piece is the backing piece to be used later. Remember that the extra 1.3 cm will be cut off later so the fabric fits the card, so don't put any art work on this area.

  2. On one piece of fabric create your card top using the perimeters that you have set.

  3. Sandwich the fabric with batting and stitch if needed.

  4. Attach your art to the playing card using fabric glue or double sided Cellotape.  

  5. Take the second piece of fabric you cut earlier and glue or tape it to the back of the card.

  6. Trim the fabric to .5cm from the edge of the card.

  7. Edge the card with your choice of stitch.  A close zigzag or button hole stitch works well.

  8. Take a photo of your card and record your process. Recording ideas and process is a great habit to record your ideas and processes.  


  1. At the end of each quarter and at the end of the year evaluate your progress.  Use could use some of these questions start your evaluation. 
  • What have I learnt?

  • Did I reach my goals?

  • Which is my favourite card or groups of cards? Why?

  • Which is my least favourite card or groups of cards? Why?

  • What would I change if I did it again?

  • What did I find worked well ? 

  • Do I want to display what I have made? If so how could I do this?

Playing Cards
Flying playing cards

My 52 cards journey

My goals 
  • To make art every week
  • To experiment with different mediums
  • To enjoy the process
           Some ideas to get you started.  
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